Tuesday, June 21, 2022

What is Gang Stalking

 Please look at what Maggie J.Hall says about this subject.

Credit: https://www.mylawquestions.com/what-is-gang-stalking.htm

Maggie J. Hall

Jealousy may be a cause of gang stalking.
Jealousy may be a cause of gang stalking.

Gang stalking refers to harassment and intimidation tactics used by a group of individuals against another person or toward a smaller group of people. People may initiate this type of civil offense because they are intolerant of another person for numerous reasons, which might include differing beliefs or lifestyles, jealousy, or racial prejudice. Stalkers generally design the covert methods used for psychological harassment to exact revenge, coerce silence, or cast out persons having opposing views. While gang stalking is considered a misdemeanor in some states, the offense carries felony penalties in

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Deprogramming The Mind: Mind Control Survivors

 This is a very important link if you have been subjected to Gang Stalking (AKA Mind Control Ops). I have been put through this complicated program for 2 1/2 to 3 years and I am always on the alert because they come back periodically. They contact me on FB and other social sites (including Quora!) I would love to expose them with ALL the messages I receive and show the public actual Screen Shots...but I am worried that they really might do something dangerous as retaliation. 

I was threatened with kidnapping and no one wants to find out if it is real or not. I was told I was sold as well. Has this ever happened to anyone besides GS (I won't say victims I will say Survivors)? I will go deep into what happened to me at another time...and ALL EVENTS will be covered up enough to keep confidentiality and the non disclosure alive. I don't like the threats I received and I want to feel free.

*Which I am free* (They don't mind me writing about it as long as it is confidential).

Here is a LINK for you if you need to Deprogram from Mind Control. This is a serious subject. Please respect Mind Control Survivors because one day it can happen to you! When you ask what are we talking about...it happens and then it CONTINUES without your consent. If you want to be put in that position just for the sake of understanding...we don't recommend it. If you need someone to talk to about it...

Join my site on Quora! AdviceonGS.quora.com 


Friday, June 17, 2022

Gang Leader Lieutenant Question


Firstly, I must mention. This is a question that I received in Quora today. I don't know why I was asked but here it is. You have to join Quora to understand the culture there. I only wonder because I mentioned something similar in my post today and then this question pops up. On a different note: Who doesn't love Quora by now? I do!

How often do leaders of a gang sow discord amongst their lieutenants so that they wouldn't conspire against them to take over the gang?

Profile photo for Melee Lee

Well I didn’t know that they intentionally sow discord to prevent their lieutenants from taking over. I guess they would do this every two months. How high is this rank in a gang? I am guessing it is a very high rank? My guess is every two or three months. I would hope they select loyal members though

Gang Lieutenants are High Ranking members of a gang who owns a little part from there Gang for there Fronts and Territories. They can send a little crew to attack other gangs to either kill another High-ranking member of another gang or to expand there businesses and take over Territories 

Resentful Stalkers: Who Are They

WEBSITE LINK: https://veritas-justice.co.uk/who-are-stalkers/

Resentful Stalkers:

Who are they?

Resentful stalkers fit into the ‘stranger’ category. However, often they will have had contact with the victim or their work at some point to initiate their obsession and resentfulness. This group is rare and highly unique in their motivations.

What initiates the behaviour?

These stalkers view themselves as championing positive action and fighting an injustice. As such, their motivation centres around revenge. Identifying as a victim or oppressed, resentful stalkers feel it is their duty to fight back.

What sustains the behaviour?

Resentful stalkers derive satisfaction from the power and control that stalking brings them. Feeling that their actions are causing harm to their victim instils a sense of dominance and motivates them to continue, if not escalate their behaviour.

Credit: https://veritas-justice.co.uk/who-are-stalkers/

Coworkers Tell You When To Take a Break


Were you ever told when or when not to take your break for lunch by someone who had absolutely no authority over you? What did you do?

I have seen it myself. The best thing to do is this. Look at them and walk out to get your lunch. Don’t say anything just leave. I worked with a few co-workers who tried to establish boss authority over other co workers even though they had no right to do so. I call this the play dumb method. Look at them like you don’t know what they are saying….and then walk out. If you let them tell you when to take a break then they will establish dominance in the workplace. You will have to deal with them every day!

If it is worth it then befriend them and say “I am going on my break today at 11am” Say it early on and announce it as if it is an appointment you must go on. This is another way to handle it. I know that this is a situation that becomes very frustrating and if you let it happen then it will continue.

Office Snitches and Informers: Is this the new Norm


Why do some colleagues like wandering around the office and putting so much effort into monitoring others’ laptop screens?
Profile photo for Melee Lee

I personally have noticed a new trend at work. Pretend you are better than everyone else and then you will get promoted. I see co workers watching other co workers and then they become commentators about each other. “He doesn’t do this….”She doesn’t do that”…”No one does this like I do!” “Why doesn’t anyone else do….what I do?” If you look at it work has become like grade school again. We all want to be the teacher’s pet and so as adults we do it in a more grown up way but it is the same game.

Why would colleagues care about what other people have on their lap tops? It must deflect their boredom or dissatisfaction with the job. They are policing others and watching others now, which is not even in their job description! Sometimes management encourages office snitches and informers in the workplace. I really hate it when I am working all day….go on my 15 minute break and a colleague walks into the breakroom at 1pm and says “coffee at this hour?” I am like…”excuse m moi”?  Mind your business please! I have to go home and play with my children for the next five hours. soooo…..

People are way too involved nowadays with what other people are doing! Also they check on the lap tops (to check to see if you are on Amazon Prime internet shopping again). lol! πŸ‘€πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘²πŸ˜•πŸ˜€

LINK: https://qr.ae/pvHdmF

Harassing Text Messages: Should You Answer

 Answer the Text lol!

Profile photo for Melee Lee

Honestly….I would answer the harassing texts because…it is like giving a dog a bone. They will leave you alone for the day. If you really ignore them for months on end then maybe they will move on.

Join my Quora Blog! 


Link: https://qr.ae/pvHdV0


LINK TO STORY:  https://qr.ae/pvHdR0 

Profile photo for Melee Lee


I discovered that Gang Stalking language is similar to other disturbing languages and lingos involving:

  1. Human Trafficking
  2. Spies
  3. Fies (Foreign Intelligence Entities) “Yes, it’s a real thing. Look it up!”
  4. Countermeasure Operations
  5. Computers and Engineering
  6. Government Jobs

My Gang Stalking Story:

What do you do when you get a bag full of lemons? You can turn them into lemonade! You can also turn them into a lemonade slushy!

I am guessing you are aware that I turned my gang stalker stories into QUORA and blog content because I decided to be a writer who is open about it. Gang Stalking sounds like a paranoid delusion, doesn’t it? Well I can tell you that I was a normal person just like you. I was living my life when one day I was thrown into a movie that I didn’t sign up for!

I worked for the government and for years I was not aware of the organized strategies within the organization. One day I *(I deeply regret that I offended him. In case he reads this and laughs*) spoke up to a higher up in management and told him things because I found out that he was corrupt. I won’t go into the nature of the offense but he took my “discussion” personally. Instead of him feeling intimidated he decided to run the show and prove to me that I was just a little a pawn in his game of chess!

Click for Story:


What is Gang Stalking

 Please look at what Maggie J.Hall says about this subject. Credit: https://www.mylawquestions.com/what-is-gang-stalking.htm Maggie J. Hall ...